Pinoy Big Brother: Tonight is Eviction Night
Last Saturday, Pinoy Big Brother Housemates JB and Racquel were nominated for eviction by their peers. Tonight is eviction night. So make sure you get to vote for the Housmate you would like to stay in the PBB House.
The twists, as this author sees it: If JB were to be evicted tonight, will we see romance blossoming between Say and Sam? JB seems to have been jealous of the attention Say (as with some of the other girls) has been giving Sam this past week. If it were to be Racquel, then the housemates would be losing one of the more mature and serious-thinking members of the group.
But as to who will stay and who will be evicted, it's up to us, the audience.
- To vote for Racquel, text BB RACQUEL to 2331 (Globe & Sun Cellular) or 231 (Smart, Talk N’ Text & Addict Mobile).
- To vote for JB, text BB JB to 2331 or 231.
- PLDT Landline subscribers also have the option to vote for their favorite housemates via the the Big Brother Hotline. They can call 1908-Brother (1908-2768437) to vote. Callers will be charged P2.50 per minute
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